July is Physio "Q&A Month"

During the entire month of July Infinite Healthcare is hosting Physio “Q&A Month”!!!

What is Physio “Q&A Month”?

In order to increase awareness in the local community about Physiotherapy, we are inviting ANYONE who has a health-related question  to ask our Physiotherapists at NO COST!! As per our below flyer, we are hosting 10-minute info talks on Saturday 16th & 23rd July:

  • 10:30am – Knee Problems
  • 11:00am – Shoulder Problems
  • 11:30am – Posture & Back Problems

There is also a FREE SAUSAGE SIZZLE on both Saturdays from 12pm – 1pm!!!!

How to Participate?

There are 3 ways to join in on Physio “Q&A Month”:

  1. Pop into Infinite Healthcare and simply ask your question to one of our helpful Physio’s!!
  2. Simply fill out a question slip and place it in our Q&A Month question box in reception for us to get back to you with the answer
  3. Send us an email outlining your question – info@infinitehealthcare.com.au

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